
Font Family

font-family property is used to declare a list of font family names (like Times, Arial) and generic family names (like fantasy, serif, sans-serif) for an element in a priority order. Family name that contains space in them must be written inside single or double quotes.

Property Possible Values Description
font-family family-name Eg: tohima, arial, times
generic-name serif, sans-serif, cursive, fantasy, monospace
inherit inherit the value of element's parent

Syntax for using font-family:

    font-family:Tohima,Arial,"Times New Roman";

Font Size

font-size is used to set the font size of text for an element. font-size can be in pixels, ems or percentage.

Property Possible Values Description
font-size absolute-size Eg: xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large
relative-size Eg: smaller, larger
length in pixel or percentage or em Eg: 10px
inherit inherit the value of element's parent

Syntax for using font-size:


Font Style

font-style property is used to set the font-style of text for an element. Using font-style you can render your text in bold, italics or oblique.

Property Possible Values Description
font-style normal This is the default style.
italic It makes the text italicized
oblique It makes the text oblique
inherit inherit the value of element's parent

Syntax for using font-style:


Font Variant

font-variant property is used to set the text in small caps font for an element. Small caps means that every lowercase letter is converted into uppercase letter but the font-size of those letters is small as compared to rest of the text.

Property Possible Values Description
font-variant normal This is the by default
small-caps This converts every lowercase letter to uppercase but the font-size remains smaller than other text.
inherit inherit the value of element's parent

Syntax for using font-variant:


Font Weight

font-weight property is used to set the thickness of text for an element.

Property Possible Values Description
font-weight normal This is the by default
bold This renders the text as bold.
lighter, bolder This renders your text thickness relative to its parent elements font-weight.
100 - 900 Numerically sets the thickness of text. 100 is the thinnest, 400 for normal, 700 for bold.
inherit inherit the value of element's parent

Syntax for using font-weight:



font property is a shorthand property that is used to set all font properties in one line. This is very useful and greatly reduce space and time for writing your CSS font properties.

Syntax for using font shorthand:

selector {
    font: style variant weight size/line-height family
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