Formatting Text
Text Color
color property sets the color of the text.
Property | Possible Values | Description |
color | color name | Example: red |
Hexadecimal value | Example: #F00 | |
RGB value | Example: rgb(255,0,0) |
Syntax for using color property:
<p style="color:#F00";>
Text Align
text-align property is used to set the horizontal text alignment.
Property | Possible Values | Description |
text-align | left | aligns the text to the left |
right | aligns the text to the right | |
center | aligns the text to the center | |
justify | aligns the text to fill the whole assigned text area | |
inherit | inherit the value of element's parent |
Syntax for using text-align property:
<p style="text-align:center;>
Text Indentation
text-indent property is used to indent the first line of a text.
Property | Possible Values | Description |
text-indent | length (pixel or em) | Example: 50px |
percentage | Example: 10% | |
inherit | inherit the value of element's parent |
Syntax for using text-indent property:
<p style="text-indent:10px;>
Text Decoration
text-decoration property is used to add or remove the decoration from the text.
Property | Possible Values | Description |
text-decoration | none | no text decoration |
underline | text is having a line below it | |
overline | text is having a line above it | |
line-through | text is having a line in the middle of it | |
blink | blinking text | |
inherit | inherit the value of element's parent |
Syntax for using text-decoration property:
<p style="text-decoration:none;>
Text Transformation
text-transform property is used to control captalization effect of a text.
Property | Possible Values | Description |
text-transform | none | no effect |
capitalize | capitalize first character of each word in a text | |
uppercase | all characters in uppercase | |
lowercase | all characters in lowercase | |
inherit | inherit the value of element's parent |
Syntax for using text-transform property:
<p style="text-transform:uppercase;>
Line Height
line-height property sets vertical distance between baselines of two lines. Negative value is not accepted for line-height.
Property | Possible Values | Description |
line-height | normal | default value |
number | line-height is number multiplied by font-size | |
length | specified fixed length defined in px or em | |
percentage | line height is percentage multiplied by font-size | |
inherit | inherit the value of element's parent |
Syntax for using line-height property:
<p style="line-height:200%;">
Letter Spacing
letter-spacing property defines the spacing between text characters.
Property | Possible Values | Description |
letter-spacing | normal | default value |
length | fixed length in px or em | |
inherit | inherit the value of element's parent |
Syntax for using letter-spacing property:
<p style="letter-spacing:2px;">
Vertical Align
vertical-align is used to specify vertical alignment of a text.
Propery | Possible Values | Description |
vertical-align | baseline | baseline of the element is aligned with the baseline of its parent |
sub | subscript the element | |
super | superscript the element | |
top | aligns the top of the element with the top of the whole line | |
text-top | aligns the top of the element with the top of its parent | |
middle | aligns the middle of the element with the baseline of its parent | |
bottom | aligns the bottom of the element with the bottom of the whole line | |
text-bottom | aligns the bottm of the element with the bottom of its parent | |
percentage | raises or lowers the element by this value of line-height | |
length | raises or lowers the element by this value | |
inherit | inherit the value of element's parent |
Syntax for using vertical-align property:
<p style="vertical-align:middle;">
Word Spacing
word-spacing property defines the spacing between words in a text line.
Property | Possible Values | Description |
word-spacing | normal | default value |
length | fixed value in pixels or em. | |
inherit | inherit the value of element's parent |
Syntax for using word-spacing property:
<p style="word-spacing:5px;">
direction property specifies the direction of the text.
Property | Possible Values | Description |
direction | ltr | left to right text direction |
rtl | right to left text direction | |
inherit | inherit the value of element's parent |
Syntax for using direction:
<p style="direction:rtl;">