Links and Navigation
text-decoration property is used to add or remove linked text decoration. By default all links are underlined. Possible values of text-decoration property are none, underline, overline, line-through and blink.
Syntax for using text-decoration:
a:link { text-decoration:none; }
a:link is used to format links that are not visited yet. Here :link is a pseudo class that is used to select all unvisited links.
Syntax for using a:link
a:link { color:#F00; text-decoration:none; }
a:vlink is used to format links that had been visited. Here :vlink is a pseudo class that is used to select all visited links.
Syntax for using a:link
a:vlink { color:#0F0; text-decoration:none; }
a:active is used to format links that are active or you can say that are being clicked. Here :active is a pseudo class that is used to select all active links.
Syntax for using a:link
a:active { color:#000; }
a:hover is used to format links that are being hovered. Here :hover is a pseudo class that is used to select all links that are being hovered.
Syntax for using a:link
a:hover { color:#00F; text-decoration:underline; }