list-style-type is used to change the default marker for a list item.
For unordered-list, possible value of list-style-type are:
- none
- disc
- circle
- square
For ordered-list, possible value of list-style-type are:
- decimal
- decimal-leading-zero
- lower-roman
- upper-roman
- lower-alpha
- upper-alpha
- lower-latin
- upper-latin
- georgian
- armenian
- none
- inherit
Syntax for using list-style-type:
ol { list-style-type:lower-alpha; } ul { list-style-type:square; }
list-style-image is used to set specified image as list item marker for your list.
Syntax for using list-style-image:
ul { list-style-image:url('myimg.gif'); }
list-style-position is used to set position of marker for the list item. By default the position of the marker is outside the content block of li element. You can place the maker inside li elements. Possible value of list-style-position are:
- outside - places the marker outside li
- inside - places the marker inside li
- inherit - inherit the value of element's parent
Syntax for using list-style-image:
ul { list-style-position:outside; }
list-style property is a shorthand property to style all your lists in one line.
Syntax for using list-style-image:
ul { list-style: type image position; }