Working with Background
background-color property is used to set the background color of an HTML element. Its value can be any valid color name or a hexadecimal value.
Syntax for using background-color:
p { background-color: red; }
background-image is used to set an image as a background of an HTML element. Image to be set as background should be a gif, jpeg or png. By default, a smaller image will repeat itself to cover the whole background of an element.
Syntax for using background-image:
p { background-image:url(flower.gif); }
background-repeat property is used to decide whether to repeat a background image or not. Possible values for background-repeat are:
- repeat - allows background image to repeat in all direction
- repeat-x - allows background image to repeat horizontally
- repeat-y - allows background image to repeat vertically
- no-repeat - does not allows background image to repeat
Syntax for using background-repeat:
p { background-repeat:no-repeat; }
background-position is used to specify exactly where the background image should be placed in relation to the container. By default, setting background image using background-image property places the image at the top left corner of the container. Possible background-position properties are:
- top left(default) - sets the image at top left corner
- top center - sets the image at top center
- top right - sets the image at top right corner
- center left - sets the image at middle left corner
- center center - sets the image at middle of the container
- center right - sets the image at middle right corner
- bottom left - sets the image at the bottom left corner
- bottom center - sets the image at middle of the bottom
- bottom right - set the image at right bottom corner
- x-% y-% - set the position of x and y coordinates in percentage
- x-pos y-pos - set the position of x and y coordinates in pixels
Syntax for using background-position:
p { background-position:40px left; }
background-attachment property is used to specifty whether to fix the background image or not. Two value are possible for background-attachment property.
- scroll(default) - background image moves on scrolling
- fixed - background image remains stationary on scrolling
Syntax for using background-attachment:
p { background-attachment:fixed; }
background property is a shorthand property to set all the background properties in just one line.
Syntax for using background:
selector { background:color image position repeat; }