Working with Strings in JavaScript
String plays an important role in every programming languages. JavaScript is no exception. Also every character in JavaScript is represented by some number. That numerical unicode is known as charcode of that character. Example, 'A' is represented by 65.
Here are few functions that can be useful to help you out with your day to day coding work.
String Concatenation
String concatenation refers to combining one string to another. Simplest way to join strings is using '+' (plus) operator. But there is also a method concat() which can be used to unite strings together.
//using concat method string1.concat(string2, string3, ...); //using + operator string1 + string2 + string3
<script> var str = "Syntax"; str = str.concat("Page"); //SyntaxPage document.write(str); document.write("<br />"); str = "JavaScript"; str = str.concat(" is", " fun", "<br />"); document.write(str); //JavaScript is fun str = "JavaScript " + "is " + "awesome" + "<br />"; document.write(str); //JavaScript is awesome </script>
Splitting Strings
Various methods are available in JavaScript to get whole or some part of strings. Few commonly used methods are as follows:
substring() method
substring method is used to get arbitrary string values between the index positions passed to it as parameters.
First parameter specifies from where to copy the string. Second optional parameter specifies till where to copy. Also, character specified by second parameter is not included. If second parameter is not given then whole string after start position will be copied.
<script> var str = 'SyntaxPage'; var sub = str.substring(6); //Page document.write(sub); document.write("<br />) str = 'JavaScript'; sub = str.substring(4,7); //Src document.write(sub); //element at 4th position is excluded </script>
substr() method
substr method is somewhat similar to substring() method with just one difference. The second parameter in the substr() method specifies the length of the string to be copied, not the end position.
<script> var str = 'SyntaxPage'; var sub = str.substr(6); //Page document.write(sub); document.write("<br />") str = 'JavaScript'; sub = str.substr(4,3); //Scr document.write(sub); </script>
slice() method
slice method is used to get characters from a string between specified indexes passed to it as parameters.
Syntaxstring.slice(start, [end])
The element at the 'end' index is not included. If end index is not specified then the result will be from start index till the end of the string.
<script> var str = "12345"; var sub = str.slice(1, 4); //234 document.write(sub); document.write("<br />"); sub = str.slice(1); //2345 document.write(sub); </script>
split() method
split() method breaks a string into an array of string. It splits the string from the separator string boundaries that is passed to it as parameter.
If no separator string is given then it will break the string into an array having just one element which is string itself.
If optional size parameter is given then array formed will be of given size parameter ignoring the rest of the characters.
<script> var str = "JavaScript is fun"; var sub = str.split(" "); document.write(sub); //JavaScript,is,fun document.write("<br />"); sub = str.split(" ", 1); document.write(sub); //JavaScript document.write("<br />"); sub = str.split(); document.write(sub[0]); //JavaScript is fun </script>
Changing Case
toLowerCase() method
toLowerCase() method is used to change the case of the string to lower case.
<script> var str = "JavaScript is Awesome"; var lcase = str.toLowerCase(); document.write(lcase); </script>
toUpperCase() method
toUpperCase() method is used to change the case of the string to upper case.
<script> var str = "JavaScript is Awesome"; var ucase = str.toUpperCase(); document.write(ucase); </script>
Finding Characters
indexOf() method
indexOf() method is used to search for a given substring in the parent string and returns substring position.
Optional second parameter decides from where to begin searching the string. It starts searching from the beginning if optional second parameter is not given. In case needle(substring) is not found then it returns -1.
<script> var str = "JavaScript is an Awesome Script"; var pos = str.indexOf("Script"); //4 document.write(pos); document.write("<br />"); var pos = str.indexOf("Script",5); //25 document.write(pos); </script>
lastIndexOf() method
lastIndexOf() method is used to search for a given substring beginning the search from the end. It returns needle's position. In case needle(substring) is not found then it returns -1.
It starts searching from the end if optional second parameter is not given. In case needle(substring) is not found then it returns -1.
<script> var str = "JavaScript is an Awesome Script"; var pos = str.lastIndexOf("Script"); //25 document.write(pos); var pos = str.lastIndexOf("Script",24); //4 document.write(pos); </script>
search() method
search() returns the index position of the needle if found else it returns -1. It looks somewhat similar to indexOf() method but seach() method works with regular expressions. Regular expressions will be discussed later.
<script> var str = "JavaScript is an Awesome Script"; var pos ="Script"); //4 document.write(pos); </script>
match() method
match() returns the substring(needle) if found in the main string else it returns null. match() method also works with regular expressions. Performance wise indexOf() method is faster than match() and search().
<script> var str = "JavaScript is an Awesome Script"; var pos = str.match("Script"); //Script document.write(pos); </script>
charAt() method
charAt() returns the character at a particular index which is passed to it as an argument.
<script> var str = "JavaScript is an Awesome Script"; var c = str.charAt(4); //S document.write(c); </script>
charCodeAt() method
charCodeAt() returns the unicode numeric value of a character at a particular index which is passed to it as an argument.
<script> var str = "JavaScript is an Awesome Script"; var u = str.charCodeAt(4); //83 document.write(u); </script>
Replacing word in a string
replace() method
replace() method is used to find and replace some or all occurrence of a string/character with some new specified string/character within a string. To replace more than one value within a string pass regular expression as first argument.
string.replace(regular_expression/string, 'new_string')
<script> var str = "JavaScript is Awesome"; var newStr = str.replace("Awesome", "Amazing"); document.write(newStr); </script>
Summary of String Methods in JavaScript
Method | Description |
str.concat(str1, str2,...) | combines one or more string |
str.substring(start,[end]) | returns substring from start to end unless end index position is specified |
str.substr(start,len) | returns substring from start to end unless number of characters(length) is specified |
str.slice(start, [end]) | returns substring between specified indexes |
str.split(sep,[size]) | breaks a string into an array from the separator string boundaries |
str.toLowerCase() | returns lowercase string |
str.toUpperCase() | returns uppercase string |
str.indexOf(needle,[fromIndex]) | returns character present at specified index beginning the search from start. Second parameter decides from where to begin search |
str.lastIndexOf(needle,[fromIndex]) | returns character present at specified index beginning the search from end. Second parameter decides from where to begin search | | returns the index position of the substring if found else it returns -1 |
str.match(regexp) | returns the substring if found else it returns null. |
str.charAt(index) | returns the character at a particular index which is passed to it as an argument |
str.charCodeAt(index) | returns the unicode numeric value of a character at a particular index which is passed to it as an argument |
str.replace(regular_expression/string, "new_string") | returns string after replacing some or all occurrence of old string with new string within a given string. |