Loop Control Statements
Loop control statements deviates loops from its normal flow behaviour. All the loop control statements are attached to some condition inside the loop.
break statement
break statement is used to break the loop on some condition.
for i in range(6): if i is 3: break print(i,end=' ')
0 1 2
Here we have created a loop from 0 to 5. Inside loop we have given a condition that if value of i equals to 3, then break out of loop.
Remember break burst the nearest for loop within which it is contained.
continue statement
continue statement is used to skip a value.
for i in range(6): if i is 3: continue print(i,end=' ')
0 1 2 4 5
In the code above when the value of i becomes 3, continue forces the loop to skip without further executing any instructions inside the for loop in that current itertion.
pass statement
pass is a null operator. It doesn't do anything. It acts as a placeholder when a statement is required syntactically, but no code needs to be executed.
You can use it when you are undecided what to do when certain condition occurs.
for i in range(6): if i is 3: pass print(i,end=' ')
0 1 2 3 4 5